Archive: Cecilia Cassidy

28 Articles

Arts & Culture
Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Erin Cline
Spring 2024

Early Ecological Ethics: A Look at Chinese Environmental Thought

Professor Erin Cline looks at the implications of Chinese philosophy for an environmental. …

April 7, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Environmental Health
Rosemary Sokas
Spring 2024

Jesuit Projects in Climate-Change-Affected Liberia

Professor Rosemary Sokas briefs Common Home on the partnerships between Jesuit organizations in the U.S and abroad in Liberia working to address climate change-induced.…

April 5, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate & Energy
Climate Change
Maria Petrova
Spring 2024

Revisited: Harnessing the Power of Community Benefit Agreements for Net Zero Targets

For our anniversary issue, Common Home checks back in Professor Petrova who shares her thoughts on the positive impacts of Community Benefit Agreements in clean energy. …

April 5, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Food & Water
Madhura Shembekar
Shelby Gresch
Spring 2024

Revisited: Shelby Gresch, the Force Behind the Hoya Harvest Garden

For our anniversary issue, Common Home checks back in with Shelby Gresch, post-baccalaureate fellow with the Earth Commons responsible for the Hoya Harvest. …

March 30, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Spring 2024

What’s Under Foot: Land, Environment, and Climate Change

Georgetown professor Tim Bartley draws the significant connection between land and climate. …

March 26, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Food & Water
Sarah Devermann
Spring 2024

Leveraging Technology to Make Smallholder Farming Sustainable

Georgetown alumni shares her work in making technology available for small. …

March 22, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Spring 2024

Interrupt & Integrate: Environmental Courses Under Development at Georgetown

Earth Commons Post-Bac Fellow Keaton Nara provides insight on the interdisciplinary, environmental courses taking shape at.…

March 13, 2024

Anya Wahal
Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Food & Water
Madhura Shembekar
Spring 2024

Revisited: Alumni Environmental Researcher, Anya Wahal

Georgetown Professor Marcus King delineates the implications of water crisis on conflict across the…

March 10, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Environmental Justice
Food & Water
Marcus King
Spring 2024

Climate Change and the Water Weapon: How Rising Temperatures are Expanding the Footprint of Conflict

Georgetown Professor Marcus King delineates the implications of water crisis on conflict across the…

March 8, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate & Energy
Climate Change
Peter Marra
Spring 2024

Letter from the Dean: Why I’m an Environmental Optimist

Earth Commons Dean Mara gives his thoughts as the institute passes its two-year.…

March 5, 2024