Archive: What We’re Reading

6 Articles

Arts & Culture
Elyza Bruce
Fall 2023
Summer 2023
What We're Reading

What We’re Reading: “Meltwater” by Claire Wahmanholm

In the poetry collection “Meltwater,” Claire Wahmanholm poignantly articulates the grief, anxiety, and uncanniness of ecological disaster and explores what it means to raise…

September 11, 2023

Arts & Culture
Maya Snyder
Spring 2022
What We're Reading

What We’re Reading: Once There Were Wolves

Common Home editor Maya Snyder reviews Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte. …

June 13, 2022

Arts & Culture
Environmental Justice
What We're Reading

What We’re Reading: The Black Side of the River: Race, Language, and Belonging in Washington D.C.

Jan Menafee, Program Specialist for Environment, Justice, and Education at the Red House at Georgetown University, reviews Dr. Jessica Grieser's book The Black Side of the River:…

June 6, 2022

Arts & Culture
John McNeil
Spring 2022
What We're Reading

What We’re Reading: Fueling Mexico: Energy and Environment, 1850-1950

Georgetown Professor John McNeil reviews Fueling Mexico: Energy and Environment, 1850-1950 by German Vergara for Common Home.…

April 11, 2022

Arts & Culture
Claire Catenaccio
Spring 2022
What We're Reading

What We’re Reading: A Journal of Solitude

Georgetown Professor Claire Catenaccio reviews May Sarton's book A Journal of Solitude for Common. …

April 8, 2022

Arts & Culture
Maya Snyder
Spring 2022
What We're Reading

What We’re Reading: Under a White Sky

Common Home editor Maya Snyder reviews Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth. …

March 30, 2022