Archive: environmental justice

20 Articles

Environmental Justice
Erin Czelusniak
Spring 2024

Eco-Tourism is an Eco-Drain

Erin Czelusniak, (CAS ‘24 ) discusses the problematic impacts of eco-tourism on local communities and conservation. …

July 26, 2024

Arts & Culture
Environmental Justice
Jennifer D. Roberts
Spring 2024

Two Biophilic Giants: A Poem

In this poem, Dr. Jennifer D. Roberts explores the intellectual conflicts between W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington and their enduring environmental. …

July 26, 2024

Environmental Justice
Spring 2024

Green Commons Award Recipient: Georgetown Women’s Center

A review of the outcomes from a Green Commons award to the Georgetown’s Women’s Center for a study on the sustainability of menstrual. …

April 19, 2024

Environmental Health
Environmental Justice
Jennifer D. Roberts
Spring 2024

Don’t Get In The Water: Blue Space Racism and the Drowning of Black Bodies

Professor Jennifer D. Roberts of University of Maryland School of Public Health discusses the prevalence of blue space. …

March 25, 2024

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Environmental Justice
Food & Water
Marcus King
Spring 2024

Climate Change and the Water Weapon: How Rising Temperatures are Expanding the Footprint of Conflict

Georgetown Professor Marcus King delineates the implications of water crisis on conflict across the…

March 8, 2024

Barwendé M. Sané
Environmental Justice
Food & Water
Spring 2024

Remembering Ecologist Yacouba Sawadogo: 2020 Champion of the Earth’s Inspirational Legacy

Georgetown Postdoctoral Associate Barwendé M. Sané discusses the legacy of the ecologist Yacouba.…

February 22, 2024

Arts & Culture
Cecilia Cassidy
Fall 2023
Food & Water
Jan Menafee
Summer 2023

Watering Whole

Excerpts from Jan Menafee’s new poetry collection "Watering"…

October 12, 2023

Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Environmental Justice
Fall 2023
Madhura Shembekar
Summer 2023

Extinction Rebellion: Inciting Controversy–and Conversation–Since 2018 

Extinction Rebellion, a U.K.-based, radical environmental group, uses public acts of civil disobedience to spark conversation about the climate.…

September 21, 2023

Environmental Justice
Fall 2023
Food & Water
Summer 2023
Yuki Kato

Urban Cultivation Matters

Urban farms provide a variety of social benefits to the communities that tend them by challenging capitalistic systems of social inequity. However, growers face a host of…

September 1, 2023

Candice Powers
Environmental Justice
Spring 2023

Stewardship of Oceans Should Belong to the First Nations People

First Nations People have sustainably stewarded the oceans for centuries. Now modern practices must make room for them to lead in a sustainable mariculture. …

June 20, 2023