Editor Letters
Spring 2024

Editor Letter, Spring 2024

We’re pleased to announce the seventh issue of Common Home. We’d like to warmly welcome Daniel Greilsheimer (SFS ‘26), who joined our team this past November. He follows on the heels of Maya Snyder, who worked with us since the inception of Common Home — thank you, Maya!

Two years ago, the Earth Commons Institute was founded at Georgetown, signaling a new era for the university’s commitment to environmental and sustainability education, research, and action. Since then, a multitude of new and innovative projects have taken root: an undergraduate degree in Joint Environment and Sustainability, a Master’s program in Environment & International Affairs, environmental research programs and grants, the Hoya Harvest Garden, and more.

This issue celebrates the diversity and spirit of the hard work of students, faculty, administration, and community members in coming together to build these programs from the ground up. Through their dedication, the Earth Commons has fixed sustainability in the heart of Georgetown as an issue for everyone, not just scientists or policymakers. Through the stories, interviews, and profiles in this issue, we hope to paint a full picture of  the vibrancy and zeal of the Earth Commons and its many contributors.

In this vein, we would like to extend our utmost gratitude to Peter Marra, Marcus King, Jennifer Roberts, Adam Shaham, Keaton Nara, Tim Bartley, Brian Griffiths, Erin Cline, Anya Wahal, Max Scheiner, Shelby Gresch, Annie Selak, Oswaldo Villena, Rosemary Sokas, and Maria Petrova, who all contributed their time and insight to articles in this issue.

Sincerely, The Common Home Editorial Board

Alannah Nathan, Deena Eichhorn, Elyza Bruce, Cecilia Cassidy, Madhura Shembekar, and Daniel Greilsheimer. Undergraduates at Georgetown University

With support from Sadie Morris (SFS ‘22)

climate change
spring 2024