Archive: agriculture

4 Articles

Anya Wahal
Cecilia Cassidy
Climate Change
Food & Water
Madhura Shembekar
Spring 2024

Revisited: Alumni Environmental Researcher, Anya Wahal

Georgetown Professor Marcus King delineates the implications of water crisis on conflict across the…

March 10, 2024

Barwendé M. Sané
Environmental Justice
Food & Water
Spring 2024

Remembering Ecologist Yacouba Sawadogo: 2020 Champion of the Earth’s Inspirational Legacy

Georgetown Postdoctoral Associate Barwendé M. Sané discusses the legacy of the ecologist Yacouba.…

February 22, 2024

Anya Wahal
Climate Change
Environmental Justice
Food & Water

Water in the West: The Story of Farming in the Colorado River Basin

Green Commons Award recipient Anya Wahal shares her insights on the dynamics of the water crisis unfolding in the American. …

March 31, 2023

Anya Wahal
Climate Change
Environmental Justice
Food & Water
Spring 2023

Drought-Stricken, Arizona Farmers Face Bleak Growing Season

Green Commons Award recipient Anya Wahal shares her insights on the dynamics of the water crisis unfolding in the American. …

February 18, 2023